Goodbye 2021. Hello 2022.

Oooh, what a year 2021 has been! 

I initially chose fearless for my word. I should have chosen adventure or change. Because that was certainly the theme of the year! But I suppose fearless doesn’t necessarily mean without fear, as much as it means less fear, right? So maybe it was the right word after all. 🤔 

I’m any case, it was a year for the books! A cross country move, that took way more time and adjusting than I ever imagined. Not that that’s a bad thing. It just commanded a lot of my attention and put some other things on hold. I’m not complaining about it at all. I’d do it all over again. (You can read more about our move in my last 3 blogs.)

We began planning our move from Colorado to Alaska in January. Packed up and headed out end of March. Hit Alaskan ground first of April. I started a job, we moved into an apartment, Brandon started his job in June. A job that would have him commute by plane on a two week rotational schedule. 

Talk about change and adventure! 

Of course we made sure to spend some of our long summer days exploring Alaska, and made sure to make some of those explorations happen with my girls and son-in-law. 

I then left my job as a case manager and went back to work for schools. Two weeks later covid paid us a visit. Here we are two months later and it’s still holding on to some extent. It realllly likes me! 

Still though, life is good. We’re finally settling into what life here means for us and working hard to make our dreams and goals come true. I’ve made some amazing friends, who it somehow feels have always been a part of my life. I feel like Alaska has always been home, even though it’s insanely cold right now and my fibromyalgia body doesn’t appreciate it much. But at this point in life I wouldn’t be anywhere else. 

Thank goodness change and adventure are my comfort zone! 2021 has been a wild ride! I can’t wait to see what 2022 holds!!


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