Trusting the flow

I’ve never been a new year’s resolution kind of person. If I’m going to set a goal, I’m going to set a goal. No matter what time of year it is. And research has shown that the majority of those who do set resolutions for the new year, rarely stick with them.

I am however a word of the year kind of girl. I like having a word as a theme or focus for my year. I’ve done this the last couple years or so. And while I may not consciously think about my word every day, it seems to find its way into my life regularly.

I tend to start thinking about my word Novemberish. I look for clues and let thoughts run through my mind to see if anything stands out. I turned several over in my mind the last couple months. I even did a 5 day exercise to help me find my word. And I really enjoyed the process (you can find it here). It brought up words like successful, confidence, unwavering (I really liked that one), brave, and a few others. I almost settled on focus.

But that’s not how I found my word. My words found me. Yep, words. Two of them. Flow and trust. Different times, different situations. But they both showed up and wouldn’t leave me alone. So I’m letting them both stay.

I have no doubt I need both in my life. I need them to be ever present. I need to learn how to trust myself again. I’ve come to understand that I haven’t truly done so in years. Years of making bad decisions instead of going with your gut instinct and allowing those bad decisions to influence how you think and feel about yourself will do that. 

As for flow…it just brings me peace of mind. Not in a go with the flow as if you have no control kind of way. But in an “I’m going to let things flow naturally” kind of way. I’m ready to let my ideas, creativity and authenticity flow. I’m ready to stop questioning and worrying about what others think and let things be as they should. Let me be as I should. 

Here’s to 2022 and letting my words show up. I’m trusting the flow.

Do you have a word for the year? I'd love to hear it and your process of finding your word.


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