Why motivation isn't enough

How many times have you found yourself thinking, “I just can’t get motivated.” “I don’t have the motivation to make it happen.”

Y’all, what if I told you there will never be enough motivation to keep you going every single day? What if motivation isn’t enough?

Motivation will forever come and go. We’ll have down days. We’ll have distractions. We’ll have celebrations and events. We’ll have….fill in the blank here. Because I think you’re getting my point. Motivation just isn’t always there. If we go solely off motivation to keep us going day in and day out, we’re not likely to meet our goals. 

So then, now what? 

My experience has told me you have to have a strong enough why and belief in yourself to make it happen. If you don’t have those things, even your days of motivation are going to be done haphazardly, because there’s no real direction or belief you’ll be able to continue on the hard days. The days motivation doesn’t care to show up. 

So I encourage you to find your why; your big reason for your goals. What almost brings you to tears or makes you cringe if you don’t reach your goals? 

Then pick up some personal development and start loving on yourself! Move your body, choose foods that fuel your body and mind. Don’t say things to yourself you wouldn’t allow your best friend to say to herself. Because y’all, our minds believe everything we tell it. 

I promise it will be hard. Learning to love myself is quite possibly the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Loving others comes easily. But if you don’t take care of you, how are you going to truly take care of others? You can’t fill from an empty cup. 

I also promise the effort is well worth it.

Start making you a priority. Start with loving you. The rest will fall into place. Even on days motivation doesn’t show up.

You owe it to yourself to show up for you as much, and then some, as you do for others. You are worth it. You deserve the very best. You are enough. You are amazing. 

Now, go look in a mirror and read that last paragraph back to yourself. 

xoxo Angela

If you're feeling stuck and feel you could use a little help in this area, schedule a 15 minute free consultation and let's chat. I'm willing to bet I can help get you there. 


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