Limiting beliefs…we hear that term a lot these days. But what exactly does that mean? What are limiting beliefs? Can we overcome them or are they a forever thing?
Let me first say, they are absolutely overcomeable (if you didn’t know that was a word, you do now). I know this because I’ve overcome so many self-limiting beliefs and continue to do so on a daily basis.
So what are self-limiting beliefs? Anything you tell yourself, that you believe to be truth, that holds you back. The things you tell yourself that keep you from moving forward toward your big scary goals. The things that keep you from being the person you could be, and likely are meant to be. We can truly be so mean to ourselves. But why? And when do these things start?
You guys, we didn’t start out with this kind of thinking. If we did we’d never learn to talk and walk. Seriously, I didn’t tell myself, “you’ll never be able to say that word right, so don’t even bother” or “you’re going to fall as soon as you try to move away from that couch. Don’t do it!” Y’all! These thoughts didn’t cross my mind when I was a baby and they didn’t cross yours either. But look what we did! We learned to talk. We learned to walk. We did it!
So, why is it so hard to have that kind of belief in ourselves now? Chances are you’ve failed at something at this point in life. Like really good. Like impossible at this point that you haven’t. Somehow when we fail at something we begin to beat ourselves up and allow ourselves to believe it means we are incapable of accomplishing whatever it is we’re trying to accomplish. (This is when you go back and get a pep talk from baby you about getting up and trying again.)
There’s also a really good chance others have said some not so nice things to you. And unfortunately that whole “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” isn’t really true. Words do hurt. And it can be so much harder to heal from mean words than it can be to heal from a broken bone.
We go through life collecting all these negative beliefs and words about ourselves. And we tend to hold onto them and let them build. Before long we believe them as if they are the God’s honest truth. But here’s the thing y’all, they’re not!
Our truth is exactly what we make it to be. If we believe without a doubt we will fail and not be able to come back to accomplish that scary thing, we will fail and not come back to accomplish it. If we believe there’s a chance we will fail but we push through anyway, knowing we will get back up and keep trying like our amazing baby selves would, we will!
Our minds believe everything we tell them! Tell them all the good things. Feed them with all the personal development. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and lift you up. Follow the inspiring people on social media. Be good to you! Never tell yourself something you wouldn’t tell your best friend. Build yourself up and love on you like you would on those you want so badly to see succeed.
Ok, I’ll step off my soapbox now. I could seriously go on and on about this. I’m slightly passionate about helping you believe in yourself. ;)