A few months ago I was diagnosed with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). Something the Dr said, if I didn't get under control, would eventually kill me. I haven't really shared much about it because, needless to say, the news kind of hit hard. Especially since I live a pretty healthy lifestyle.
I knew things were off in my body. I felt like it was giving out on me and couldn't figure out exactly why. So I found a functional medicine dr who also happens to be an herbalist. Thankfully he's one to get to the root of the cause and not just prescribe meds, which is what I was looking for, because let's face it, I wasn't about to fill my body with meds for symptoms.
I've been doing a lot of research and learning about systemic inflammation since then. What I've learned is this. So many things can set off an inflammatory response. Our bodies are supposed to react this way to aid in healing. But it can easily get out of control. And when it does, it can be the cause for so many diseases. (Oh, and my root causes? Mold and long covid.)
Health is so so important to me. And it's time to step up my holistic game. So here are some changes I've made and I will continue to make changes as I learn more.
*I'm eating a mostly Mediterranean diet. So many benefits, including anti-inflammatory.
*I'm loading up on healthy, natural supplements.
*I've tested to find what foods may be wreaking havoc on my body and paying attention to how they affect me when I eat them.
*I've given up my nightly glass of wine.
*I've switched to a 0% antiperspirant deodorant. If you didn't know, antiperspirants clog your pores and keep your body from properly releasing toxins.
*While I've used a natural cleaner in my home for years, I'm learning more about hidden toxic chemicals (like in makeup, and contacts, and who knows what else) so I can make changes where needed.
Things I'm continuing to do:
*I'm moving my body daily, usually with yoga but occasionally throw in other low-impact options.
*I'm continuing to eat clean but do allow the occasional treat (usually involves bread, eggs, or red meat) without beating myself up over it, also taking notice to how I feel afterward. So let's just say, I'm continuing with mindful eating.
*I choose natural cleaning products and do my best to avoid toxic chemicals in my home.
*I give myself continuous pep talks and remind myself of all the things I can do, not allowing myself to sink into the hole of what I can't.
So many things are out of our control. It's so important to recognize where you can and then do it. Our bodies are the only place we HAVE to live. Don't you think we owe ourselves the respect to make it a healthy home to be in?